

Check out this beautiful video by Rivendell Bicycle Works. Makes me like this company even more. Riv, as it’s known, is owned by Grant Peterson, the marketing director and designer of Bridgestone bicycles in the 80’s – 90’s. I just bought his book, Just Ride, today and look forward to reading more from him. Although, I probably won’t agree with everything he says, if nothing else, I just love his style of writing based on his product descriptions on his site. You’ll see what I mean if you read a few. The Sackville Medium Saddle bag is my favorite. Oh, and I plan on getting that bag.

This is an inside view of his company, it’s long so kick back and relax.

A New Year!

This weekend will finally be the weekend I drop my Campeur off to get built. I suspect it might be done by Feb 1st but maybe sooner. I am getting impatient to have it done but it will make me happy once its finally in the shop door.

This week I managed to get the rear constructeur rack that will rest the Rivendell bag or a pannier of some sort. Maybe a Swift Industries pannier. I also applied proofhide the Brooks saddle underneath and on top. Its supposed to make it more supple and waterproof. Nevertheless it looks good but I’m not too worried ’cause I will have fenders which wont let most of the water to sneak underneath the saddle.

Some other things I’ve gotten are cotton handlebar tape which I will attempt to shellack and a great saddle bag among other things. The shellack is supposed to make a gritty feel while at the same time letting me use the same tape for a year at least, we’ll see. Rivendell also made me have a good idea that is free – wine cork handlebar plugs? I’ll give it a shot.

Once the new bike is finally done I plan on documenting my rides which originally I made this so so blog for. Maybe riding around town, downtown, farm roads and in the early summer perhaps the high roads of the blue ridge. Using the new bike to take me places is my goal; seeing things in a new light. I finally got to go fishing a few days ago which gave me the urge to getting a 4 piece rod that I can strap to the back of the bike. See, this bike’s going to great! Maybe saving big $ for commuting too. A versatile piece of equipment. High hopes that most I see coming true.

One thing I’d like to get involved in is actually doing Randonneur races with my randonneuring bike. Ive done lots of research on these and they sound pretty fun. Getting a couple things out of the way: they’re non-competitive in nature but at the same time, time controlled and they are nonsupported meaning no one bails you out when you’re in trouble. Flat tire? Fix it, Out of food or water? Should have brought more. You can see how the panniers and front bags come into play. These events span from 200, 400, 600 and 1200 distances with the last two going through the night and the next day(s). I’ll be doing the 200 first. They even have a 120k or something of the sort. You’re required to have non blinking lights and various safety clothes for participating. What’s cool is that the best bikes have dynamo hubs that generate electricity for front and rear lights. Maybe something I’ll add on one day, supposedly they put battery lights to shame but with a hefty price tag.

But anyways, something cool to get involved in just meet other folks who enjoy bikes as I do and to make new friends. Onto the next year!